Auburn Baptist

Serving the Auburn community since 1888

We are a community of people, who by faith, follow Jesus, and seek to know Him more and more. In response to Jesus’ love for us, we seek to make Him known to others, and we give ourselves to Him in service to each other.

Our Vision
Living as Kingdom people, believers in Jesus, we are being transformed into His likeness through Christ centered-community.

Our Mission
To know Jesus and to make Him known

Accept all people, reach all people

Unite in Christ

Bring honour to God through our worship

Use our God-given gifts

Relate by serving each other and the community

Nurture each other

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Auburn Baptist Church is currently unable to meet on Sundays or use the Auburn Baptist Church facility at 16 Harrow Road, Auburn.

Our next fellowship and meeting will be Saturday 19 October 2pm at the Auburn-Lidcombe Girl Guides Hall (Olympic Drive, Lidcombe).



Phone: 0426 500 330 (Church Secretary: Roydon Ng)

Auburn Baptist Intercultural Ladies Sewing Group

Wednesday 9:30am – 12:30pm


21 Harrow Road, Auburn

(Old Manse in front of Integricare Preschool)

Coordinator: Sharon McBride

Auburn Baptist Church and the Baptist Union: A Call for Your Support and Prayers

The Auburn Baptist Church extends its appeal to Baptist Churches in NSW & ACT such as yours.
We are seeking your support for and prayers regarding Christian ministry in the Auburn community, and a review into the conduct of the Baptist Association Church Multiplication Team.
For more information about Auburn Baptist Church Rebirth, please do contact the Church leadership team via email:
Yours in Christ,
Auburn Baptist Church Leaders, Members & Friends
26 May 2024

Announcement: The funeral of Judy Hall will be held at Auburn Baptist Church (16 Harrow Road, Auburn) on Monday 5 August 1pm – 3pm with lite refreshments afterwards. Please use on-street parking. A live stream of the service is available on Auburn Baptist Church Facebook.

Pastoral Update: June 2024

We would like to thank REVEREND DAVID & LYN HAMES for their committed service to the Auburn Baptist Church over the past 2 years.

Pastor David & Lyn have cared faithfully for the Auburn Baptist fellowship and wider Cumberland community.

We wish the Hames all the very best in the their next ministries and endeavours.

For any enquiries regarding Auburn Baptist Church, please contact Roydon Ng (Church Secretary) on 0426500330 or

May Mission Month: Mending

And this year, our theme is Mending! No matter where we are, we can join God in mending a beautiful, broken world.

We don’t bring healing in our strength—we are co-menders with God in Jesus Christ, our Healer and Saviour. Let’s unite in partnership with Baptist Mission Australia’s intercultural teams and get excited about all that God is doing through His people in neighbourhoods near and far.

We can only do it together 

Auburn Ramadan Outreach

Auburn Baptist Church, Auburn Presbyterian Church, Harvest Church of Christ Auburn and others) held a PEACE TENT at the Cumberland Council’s Auburn Ramadan Food Festival on Saturday 16 March.

We gave out over 800 MAAMOULS (specially baked Middle Eastern shortbread desserts) and engaged in PEACEFUL inter-faith conversations about Jesus with the diverse community in Auburn.

Thank you for your prayer and support of our inter-church outreach.

Learn more about Auburn Christian Churches

Pastor’s Message: Eggs and Easter

How do you like your eggs?  Fried, Scramble, Chocolate, Poached or ?? 

I must admit, I am rather fond of the chocolate variety.  As we approach Easter, I am surrounded by an abundance of these delights – all wrapped in bright colours and wonderfully inviting. 

But what I love even more than the chocolate, is what these eggs represent. 

They symbolise new life.  But whose new life?

On Good Friday we remember that Jesus died on the Cross to deal with our sin.

Then on Easter Sunday we rejoice that Jesus did not remain dead – He rose from the dead proving that His sacrifice was sufficient to break the hold that sin and death has on our life. 

So we can experience and celebrate new life.

For each person who puts their faith in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, we receive new life.  On the Cross, Jesus took the punishment that kept us separated from God and invites us into relationship with God. Both now, and beyond our own death, Jesus invites us into new life in heaven forever – new and exciting life with God.  That’s a new life worth celebrating.

So this year, enjoy the chocolate eggs and celebrate new life, that Jesus rose from the dead and that He invites us into new life in Him.

John 3:16 reminds us: “God loved the people of this world so much that He gave His only Son Jesus, so that everyone who has faith in Him will have eternal life.”

Reverend David Hames

Auburn Baptist Church

The Auburn Baptist facility is located at 16 Harrow Road, Auburn. 

We are unable to receive any venue hire requests at the moment.

Save the Date: Auburn Baptist Church will be holding a Worship Service and Members Meeting on Saturday 16 November from 2pm – 4pm at Auburn-Lidcombe Girl Guides Hall, Olympic Drive

Auburn Baptist Church Leadership and Contacts


Secretary: Roydon Ng (0426 500 330)

Treasurer: Beverly Tyson

Deacons: Beth Miller, Lem Odilao

Auburn, Daughter and Associated Churches/Ministries Planted

Heartbeat Church – Regents Park (1906), Chester Hill Baptist Church (1929), Blacktown Baptist Church (1931), Lidcombe – Berala Baptist Church (1931), Liverpool Baptist Church (1931), East Hills Baptist Church (1951), Auburn Integricare Christian Preschool (1952)


A History of the Auburn Baptist Church to 2002 (John Stanhope), and “In my end is my beginning a history of the Auburn Baptist Church, from 2012 until 2022” (Auburn Baptist Church) is available from Cumberland Council Library Services in Auburn. A revised edition including the church history from 2021 – 2024 is being published in early 2025.

The Auburn Baptist Church was named the “Cluegh Black Memorial Church” by members in 1948.