Please read our Open Letter to all Baptist Churches in NSW & ACT titled “Auburn Baptist Church and the Baptist Union: A Call for Your Support and Prayers“. Please send any enquires regarding the Auburn Baptist Church Rebirth to: revitalisation@auburnbaptistchurch.org.au

Monday, 7 October 2024
Closure of Auburn Baptist Church on 31 December 2024
Dear fellow Baptist Churches in NSW & ACT,
The Auburn Baptist Church writes to you in the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ following on from our previous letter of 26 May 2024 and the Assembly Council response of 30 May 2024.
We thank the Baptist Union for meeting with Auburn Baptist Church in late September 2024 as part of Auburn Baptist members’ desires for a Biblical resolution to the change in the Auburn Rebirth process (which occurred in March 2023).
While the Baptist Union action to dissolve the Auburn Rebirth Transitional Leadership Team in March 2023 has resulted in Auburn Baptist members being discontinued from the future of Baptist ministry in Auburn, we praise God for His faithfulness and gradual stewardship of Auburn Baptist members to new church communities.
The Auburn Baptist Church extends a deep gratitude to the many Baptist Churches in NSW & ACT that continue to pray for future Baptist ministry in Auburn, pray for our members, and have shared similar experiences regarding the Baptist Union with us.
As clearly affirmed in the Auburn Baptist Church letter of 26 May 2024, we have not sought to resolve the changes applied (by the Baptist Union) to Auburn Rebirth process through civil courts.
We sincerely thank the Baptist Union for now recognising the remaining needs of current Auburn Baptist Church ministries (Intercultural Ladies Sewing Group, Refugee Hub); and we look forward to supporting the upcoming discussions on the future of these ministries.
Reverend David Hames has resigned from Auburn Baptist Church as of 30 June 2024, and we wish Pastor David and Lyn all of God’s blessings and our warmest wishes as they continue exploring new ministries elsewhere. We know any future ministry will benefit greatly as they continue to work tirelessly for His kingdom.
Auburn Baptist Church members have unanimously resolved the legal dissolution of the church on 31 December 2024, with instructions given to the Baptist Property Trust for remaining assets and property of Auburn Baptist Church to be distributed to the Lidcombe-Berala Baptist Church and Heartbeat Church – Regents Park.
Local churches engaging with the Baptist Union’s Church Multiplication Team are advised to seek independent legal advice before implementing changes to their church status and/or enacting closure of the congregation.
Auburn Baptist Church extends our well wishes and full support to the Baptist Union’s Intercultural Ministry Lead currently overseeing the Auburn Baptist Church facility.
We kindly ask for your continued prayers for the Baptist Union, Auburn Baptist Church, the future Baptist and Intercultural ministries in Auburn, and the wider Christian community in the Cumberland.
Thank you for your support,
Auburn Baptist Church
21 September 2024
Auburn Baptist Church members have unanimously resolved to support the legal closure of the church at the end of 2024.
Motion: Dissolution of the Auburn Baptist Church
- The members of Auburn Baptist Church resolve to cease in-person meetings and all ministries on Tuesday 31 December 2024.
- The members of Auburn Baptist Church resolve to dissolve the Auburn Baptist Church on Tuesday 31 December 2024.
- In lieu of clause 6C(a) of the Auburn Baptist Church constitution, remaining properties of Auburn Baptist Church held under the Baptist Property Trust (16 Harrow Road, Auburn and 21 Harrow Road, Auburn) is distributed to LIDCOMBE-BERALA BAPTIST CHURCH and HEARTBEAT CHURCH – REGENTS PARK.
- In lieu of clause 6C(b) of the Auburn Baptist Church constitution, remaining funds (including the Term Deposit to the value of approximately $1.6 million dollars held under the Baptist Property Trust) of the Auburn Baptist Church is distributed to LIDCOMBE-BERALA BAPTIST CHURCH and HEARTBEAT CHURCH – REGENTS PARK.
- LIDCOMBE-BERALA BAPTIST CHURCH and HEARTBEAT CHURCH – REGENTS PARK are encouraged to work together to start a new Baptist Church in Auburn.
24 August 2024
Auburn Baptist awaits confirmation from Assembly Council regarding their May 2024 invitation to meet in order to achieve a Biblical resolution to the Auburn Rebirth. There is no court case against the Baptist Association/Assembly Council and we have never sought to start a court case. We remain committed to a Biblical resolution and are thankful to the many local churches that have sent us messages of encouragement.
Below is a summary of the Auburn Rebirth process offered by the Baptist Association to Auburn Baptist Church members during 2022 and the subsequent changes implemented by the Baptist Association in 2023 – 2024 (without consultation) regarding Auburn Baptist Rebirth:
- In December 2021, the Baptist Association issued a recommendation of Rebirth for Auburn Baptist. The Baptist Association subsequently explained Rebirth in line with the Baptist Gen1K Revitalisation booklet which states “the vast majority of the people will not be part of the new life that will emerge” and “without rebirth decline will inevitably lead to death. The death of a church is “closure without vision for the future”, and sadly this is how some churches end their life”.
- The Baptist Association indicated that the Rebirth for Auburn would be (some) members of Auburn Baptist joining together with members of 1 Baptist Church plant as equals to form the new Baptist Church in Auburn.
Auburn leaders would however not continue in leadership in the new Baptist Church in Auburn but the new church leadership, new church name, new church constitution, ministries, and strategic direction would be established during several months of “planning, pizza, and prayer” nights with the involvement of the Auburn Transitional Leadership Team (comprising of Auburn Baptist leaders, leaders from 1 Baptist Church Plant, the Baptist Association, and representatives from a church recently having completed Rebirth).
- In early-mid 2022, the Baptist Association introduced Auburn Baptist to examples of churches that had completed Rebirth such as Graceway Church (Crest + Yagoona) and Eastwood Community Baptist Church (Eastwood + Pennant Hills).
The Baptist Association facilitated a leader of Graceway Church to speak at Auburn Baptist in order to present the Rebirth process. Crest Community Baptist Church is the church plant with a group of its members joining Yagoona to form Graceway Church, but it should be noted the Crest remains an active church. Additionally even after a group of Pennant Hills members joined Eastwood to form Eastwood Community Baptist Church, both Pennant Hills and Eastwood still have a Baptist Church (with an English service).
- On 29 July 2022, the Baptist Association sent an email of the Auburn Rebirth Flowchart PowerPoint presentation (created by the Baptist Association) to Auburn Baptist leaders outlining each part of the process “towards a new and flourishing Baptist congregation in Auburn” including steps to “build relationship between the two churches”. [The Baptist Association now denies this email and PowerPoint presentation, but we are happy to share the email and PowerPoint upon request].
- On 31 July 2022, a Baptist Association representative spoke from the Auburn Baptist Church pulpit promising the closure of Auburn Baptist would only be temporary to enable the opportunity to build relations with the church plant to become the new Baptist Church, and that as part of the relaunch that the property and financial assets would be returned to Auburn. It was on this basis and the Baptist Association’s Auburn Rebirth Flowchart (29 July 2022) that Auburn Baptist Church members voted (90% FOR & 10% AGAINST) to accept that Rebirth would lead to a promised relaunch of a new Baptist Church in Auburn. [The Baptist Association now denies this having made this commitment for the return of assets to Auburn despite being promised from the pulpit].
- On 26 September 2022, the Baptist Association sent an email to Auburn Baptist deacons with a statement for the Auburn Baptist website being “Auburn Baptist Church is undergoing a relaunch process with the Baptist Association of NSW. We will no longer be meeting in person on the church site from 3rd October 2022 as part of this process. Auburn Baptist Church is still committed to ministry in Auburn and looking forward to renewed ministry soon”. [The Baptist Association denies this email, but we are happy to share the email upon request].
- On 11 December 2022, the Baptist Association organised a trial Rebirth trial service with Auburn Baptist members and Sydney Wilderness Life Church members in the Auburn Baptist facility to “build relationship between the two churches” step of Rebirth. [The Baptist Association denies this church service, but we are happy to share a short video of Baptist Association representative Ken Kamau speaking from the pulpit and Pastor Martin Yoon (Sydney Wilderness Life Church) at the rear of the church auditorium].
- The Baptist Association also promised the Auburn Transitional Leadership Team to facilitate a formal introduction to Westmead Baptist Church with a similar trial Rebirth service in early 2023. This did not occur and in March 2023, the Baptist Association (without consultation or prior notice) cancelled the Auburn Transitional Leadership Team as well as changing the Auburn Rebirth process to entirely exclude Auburn Baptist members. [The Baptist Association had provided Auburn Baptist leaders and the Auburn Transitional Leadership Team with the church profiles of Sydney Wilderness Life Church and Westmead Baptist Church in 2022 as potential candidates for Auburn Rebirth].
- From 3 October 2022 onwards, the Auburn Baptist Church worshipped at the Auburn-Lidcombe Girl Guides Hall each Sunday morning awaiting finalisation of the Rebirth process as promised by the Baptist Association in July 2022. Auburn Baptist met weekly at Auburn-Lidcombe Girl Guides Hall until April 2023 when a majority made the decision to explore the feasibility of Auburn Rebirth with Westmead Baptist. As of July 2024, we meet monthly at the Auburn-Lidcombe Girl Guides Hall.
- As Auburn and Westmead Baptist members shared fellowship into the middle of 2023, we jointly unveiled the “Cornerstone Baptist Auburn” banner following the announcement of the new church name.
- The Baptist Association mislead both Auburn Baptist and Westmead Baptist into believing that we had both agreed to participate in the same Auburn Rebirth process. The mismatch in expectations appears to be part of the Baptist Association strategy to manipulate local congregations.
- “Cornerstone Baptist Auburn” and a formal relaunch in the Auburn Baptist facility was rejected by the Baptist Association. It is also saddening to learn of the Baptist Association failure to honour a commitment to provide the Auburn Baptist facility with rental discount or a waiver for Westmead Baptist Church (noting the current Westmead Baptist Church facility’s present lease in Westmead).
- Auburn Baptist members respectfully attended the 3rd anniversary of Westmead Baptist Church in October 2023 and continued in prayer that the original Rebirth process as outlined by the Baptist Association would resulted in a new Baptist Church in Auburn.
- From March 2023 onwards, Auburn Baptist members remain in prayer for a Biblical resolution with the Baptist Association regarding the changed Rebirth process with the continued aim of seeking the return of property and financial assets to the Auburn Baptist Church in order for such to be handed over to Westmead Baptist members as part of the new Baptist Church in Auburn.
- As of 19 May 2024, it is with great sadness that Westmead Baptist Church is no longer in a position to participate in the Auburn Rebirth. Hence, the Auburn Rebirth process (as originally promised by the Baptist Association) is without any church plant and therefore is no longer able to proceed.
- The Auburn Baptist Church Open Letter (26 May 2024) and subsequent statements are available below.
- Westmead Baptist Church held is inaugural Members Meeting on 30 June 2024 as Westmead Baptist Church in Westmead.
- Auburn Baptist Church will not be undertaking a Rebirth with Westmead Baptist members to relaunch as the new Baptist Church in Auburn. Auburn Baptist members also farewelled Pastor David Hames on 30 June 2024 and will not undertaking any recruitment.
Dear fellow Baptists,
We hope you are doing well.
Since March 2023, Auburn Baptist Church has been attempting to seek a Biblical resolution to the Auburn revitalisation process with the Baptist Association through genuine mediation.
The dispute with the Baptist Association has arisen in March 2023 with the abrupt removal of Auburn Baptist representatives from the revitalisation process.
The Auburn Baptist Church Open Letter (26 May 2024) clearly indicates that we do not want to take action in civil courts (1 Corinthians 6).
Even though Assembly Council has rejected two requests (March and May 2024) for an independent investigation into the conduct of the Baptist Association regarding Auburn, Auburn Baptist remains committed to a Biblical resolution.
Auburn Baptist members have also resolved to NOT participate in any protest action on 14-15 June 2024 outside the Baptist Annual Assembly (The Gathering).
It is saddening to hear suggestions of legal action being considered involving the Auburn revitalisation process.
We thank you for your prayers as we pursue a Biblical resolution of the Auburn Rebirth, ultimately in support of Christian and Baptist ministry in the community.
In Christ,
Auburn Baptist Church
Auburn Baptist Church
Serving the Community since 1888
PO BOX 362, Auburn NSW 1835

Auburn Baptist Church and the Baptist Union: A Call for Your Support and Prayers
26 May 2024
The Auburn Baptist Church extends its appeal to Baptist Churches in NSW & ACT such as yours. We are seeking your support for and prayers regarding Christian ministry in the Auburn community, and a review into the conduct of the Baptist Association Church Multiplication Team.
Auburn Baptist Church and its history
Auburn Baptist Church is a faithful community of Baptists that have met since 1888 in the Auburn community.
We are a community of people, who by faith, follow Jesus, and seek to know Him more and more. In response to Jesus’ love for us, we seek to make Him known to others, and we give ourselves to Him in service to each other.
Around 1888, Baptist families of Auburn began meeting in private homes as places of worship. It was soon decided by the denomination to build a Church. A small structure was erected around 1896 to operate as a Baptist Church. Soon after, the Church was extended, and a Manse was built. Early in 1928, plans were prepared for a new Church (at the current location of 16 Harrow Road, Auburn) with seating for 500 worshippers. The new Church was opened on 14 April 1928 by the first candidate for Baptism.
Auburn Baptist Church has a been a foundational pillar of Christian ministry in the community including the planting of Regents Park Baptist Church (now Heartbeat Church) in 1907, Chester Hill Baptist Church in 1929, and Lidcombe-Berala Baptist Church in 1934.
The Auburn Christian Preschool (now part of Integricare) has been an outreach ministry of the Auburn Baptist Church for many decades. Our community engagement also extends to running a Sewing Group for parents of infants in the pre-school and as inter-faith hub with our Muslim neighbours.
Auburn Baptist Church also is one of the founding members of the Auburn Christian Churches network for prayer and church unity in the Cumberland LGA. Cumberland Council regularly invites us to hold public community stalls at the Auburn Ramadan Food Festival, Christmas, and Easter events. The Auburn Baptist Church has also hosted multiple outreach nights in Western Sydney for Asian-Australian youth through the RICE Movement.
The church facilities at Auburn Baptist Church are also warmly shared with the Western District Chinese Christian Church (since the early 2000s) and also previously with the Logos Christian Church (now Trinity Christian Church).
What happened at Auburn?
The Baptist Union introduced a Rebirth process for Auburn Baptist Church in 2022 with a commitment to establish “a new and flourishing Baptist congregation” involving one (1) local Baptist Church Plant with the members of the Auburn Baptist Church (in a non-leadership capacity).
The Baptist Union presented a Rebirth process flowchart including a written statement of “build relationship between the two churches” leading up to the vote for Rebirth in July 2022.
The Auburn Baptist Church disagrees with claims made by the Baptist Union including that the Rebirth process flowchart was edited by Auburn Baptist Deacons prior to its presentation during the Members Meeting vote on Rebirth in July 2022. We would be happy to share the electronic metadata of emails and PowerPoint slides which include Baptist Union employee names as the files’ authors.
The Rebirth process was supported by 90% of Auburn Baptist Church members in July 2022 (voting in favour of a motion drafted by the Baptist Union) to close the church as the first step to establishing a new Baptist Church in Auburn via a Transitional Leadership Team. The motion was worded as follows:
The Church Officers of Auburn Baptist Church resolve to cease operations on 2nd October 2022 in line with the decision by the church membership on 19th June 2022 to proceed towards rebirth.
In line with clauses 6(c) of Auburn Baptist Church’s constitution, the Church hands over management responsibilities to the Baptist Association for the purposes of rebirthing a new congregation in Auburn.
We have recently been made aware that the motion referred to the “Church Officers” and not the entire Auburn Baptist Church membership. Further, we have recently been made aware that the Auburn Baptist Church constitution, like the constitutions of many other Baptist Churches in NSW & ACT (see the Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT Church Constitution Guidance), does not have a procedure for dissolving the Auburn Baptist Church and so unanimous agreement of the Church membership was in fact required to validly dissolve Auburn Baptist Church.
However, we did not question the process that was suggested to us by the Baptist Union leadership involved with the Rebirth Process because, at the time, we trusted that that the Baptist Union leadership had implemented the Rebirth Process correctly in accordance with their commitment made to us.
Following this decision to proceed with the Rebirth of Auburn Baptist Church, the Baptist Union supplied the following statement for the Auburn Baptist Church website: “Auburn Baptist Church is undergoing a relaunch process with the Baptist Association of NSW. We will no longer be meeting in person on the church site from 3rd October 2022 as part of this process. ABC is still committed to ministry in Auburn and looking forward to renewed ministry soon.” This statement is unchanged and is still on the Auburn Baptist Church website.
The Auburn Transitional Leadership Team established in late 2022 comprised of the Baptist Association Church Multiplication Team, three Deacons from Auburn Baptist Church, two representatives from a recently rebirthed Baptist church in the Transform Southern Sydney region and to be joined by leaders from the to be selected Baptist Church Plant.
A Rebirth combined service was organised by the Baptist Union in December 2022 involving one (1) church plant and Auburn Baptist members in Auburn as part of the outlined process to “build relationships between the two churches”. A YouTube Short of the service is available here:
The Baptist Union’s change of plans
The Baptist Union disbanded the Auburn Transitional Leadership Team in March 2023, opting for a new direction to sub-lease the Auburn Baptist Church premises (16 Harrow Road, Auburn) for up to 4 congregations (including non-Baptist Churches and churches that do not want to join the Baptist Union), and cancelled the Rebirth process to revitalise Auburn Baptist through one (1) new Baptist Church Plant.
Despite this change of plans and breakdown in the relationship between the Baptist Union and the Church, Auburn Baptist members continued toward “a new and flourishing Baptist congregation” in Auburn with efforts made to “build relationship between the two churches” with the second Baptist Church Plant (Westmead Baptist Church) as recommended by the Baptist Union to Auburn.
Mediation, and the Auburn Baptist Church’s hurt and grief
The Auburn Baptist Church has unsuccessfully attempted to seek mediation with the Baptist Union throughout 2023 and 2024. In our opinion, the Baptist Union has not agreed to engage in a non-conditional dialogue to seek a Biblical resolution to the Rebirth process for Auburn Baptist Church. The Baptist Union is only currently willing to “explain the position of the Association in relation to the closure of” the Church “and the action that has been taken following that closure.”
The Auburn Baptist Church is extremely disappointed with the Baptist Union’s approach to the Rebirth process (including describing the Auburn Rebirth process to other Baptist Churches differently to how we believe the Rebirth process was originally presented to the Auburn Baptist Church).
The Auburn Baptist Church does not object to the ultimate closure of Auburn Baptist Church nor does the membership seek to re-establish a standalone Auburn Baptist Church. We do not object to the ultimate closure of Auburn Baptist Church as we are humbly committed to the interests of Baptist ministry in Auburn, and above all to seeing the Gospel preached fully and faithfully in the Auburn community (Philippians 2:3-4). However, the condition on which the Baptist Union closure of Auburn Baptist Church was accepted by the membership is the understanding from Auburn Baptist Church that Auburn Baptist members would be invited to join the Baptist Church in Auburn led by the Baptist Church Plant.
Ultimately, it is the desire of Auburn Baptist Church to seek revitalisation through the Baptist Union as initially promised and outlined with the Rebirth process to be involving the members of Auburn Baptist Church with the members of one (1) Baptist Church Plant to form the new Baptist Church in Auburn. The Auburn Baptist Church is hurt and aggrieved that the Baptist Union has not followed through with what Auburn Baptist Church understood was the initial plan.
The Auburn Baptist Church is aggrieved that there has, in our view, been a breakdown in relationships between our Church and senior leaders of the Baptist Union. We want to resolve this breakdown.
We want to seek genuine reconciliation between the Union and the Auburn Baptist Church in resolving this breakdown (Colossians 3:12-14). We do not want to take this matter to the civil courts (1 Corinthians 6:1-6). We want our communities to continue to see that Baptist and broader Christian community is the light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16).
We call on the Baptist Union to engage in open and unconditional Biblical mediation with Auburn Baptist Church.
The Auburn Baptist Church is aware that other Baptist Churches in our Union have been affected by similar disagreements in recent years. If your Baptist church community has been similarly affected, please let us know by emailing us at revitalisation@auburnbaptistchurch.org.au. We would love to hear from and pray with you.
How can you help us?
The Auburn Baptist Church brings to your attention the breakdown of Christian relationships and the broader disunity arising from the change in direction of the Auburn Rebirth process (March 2023). We bring this to your attention as this is an important matter of public interest, and this disunity and disharmony is something about which you (as a fellow member of our Union of Churches in NSW and the ACT) should be aware.
The Auburn Baptist Church seeks your Church’s support at the upcoming annual Baptist Gathering on 14 & 15 June 2024 to ask Assembly Council to enable an independent review into the actions of the Baptist Association Church Multiplication Team (and Rebirth Process, including the failure to relaunch a new Baptist Church in Auburn with an invitation to the members of Auburn Baptist Church as the Church understood was originally committed to us).
The Auburn Baptist Church remains committed to seeking a Biblical resolution that does not involve legal action where possible. We believe that this is the right and the Biblical thing to do (Matthew 18:15-17; 1 Corinthians 6:1-6). We repeat our invitation for the Baptist Union to engage in an unconditional Biblical-based dialogue with Auburn Baptist Church members to support the growth of Christian ministry in the Auburn community.
The Auburn Baptist Church, full of active volunteer members in Western Sydney who are committed to seeing the Gospel of Jesus proclaimed in an area that desperately needs Him, is uniquely placed (in cooperation with the Baptist Church Plant) to capitalise on the changing ministry needs of the Auburn community. It is in this spirit that we and the Baptist Church Plant engaged in the Rebirth Process. It is in this spirit that we seek your support and prayers to help us complete the Rebirth Process.
We kindly ask for your prayers as we strive towards a Biblical resolution of the Rebirth process in Auburn.
For more information about Auburn Baptist Church Rebirth, please do contact the Church leadership team via email: revitalisation@auburnbaptistchurch.org.au or www.auburnbaptistchurch.org.au
Yours in Christ,
Auburn Baptist Church Leadership Team
March 2024 Update
Auburn Baptist Church supports the Sydney Nepali Church (current tenant), Sydney Wilderness Life Church/Rock Worship Centre, Western District Chinese Christian Church (current tenant), and Westmead Baptist Church should they be interested in being worshipping congregations in the Auburn Baptist facility (16 Harrow Road, Auburn).
We remain committed to the Rebirth process to see a new Baptist Church in Auburn (members of Auburn Baptist and the members of Westmead Baptist). However, the relaunch of such a new Baptist Church in Auburn has not received endorsement of the Baptist Association hence the Auburn Baptist leadership will continue to seek mediation for a Biblical resolution.
A request for Assembly Council to investigate the Baptist Association conduct of Auburn Rebirth has been declined for procedural reasons.
March 2023 Update
Auburn Baptist Church is concerned regarding the sudden Baptist Association decision (carried out without consultation) to cancel the rebirth of Auburn Baptist members with 1 Baptist Church plant. It is also dissapointing that the Auburn Transitional Leadership Team has been dismissed without notice by the Baptist Association.
We remain committed to the Rebirth process to see a new Baptist Church in Auburn (with an English service) and will be attempting to resolve the matter with the Baptist Association as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Baptist Association of NSW & ACT Statement regarding Auburn Baptist Church Rebirth (26 September 2022)
Auburn Baptist Church is undergoing a relaunch process with the Baptist Association of NSW. We will no longer be meeting in person on the church site (16 Harrow Road, Auburn) from 3rd October 2022 as part of this process.
Auburn Baptist Church is still committed to ministry in Auburn and looking forward to renewed ministry soon.
For pastoral care needs, please contact our Interim Pastor: pastor@auburnbaptistchurch.org.au

Auburn Baptist Rebirth Flow Chart. Author: Baptist Association of NSW & ACT – Church Multiplication Team (29 July 2022)

We are happy to share the metadata of this PowerPoint presentation and email upon request. The metadata of the PowerPoint file contains “Jamie Freeman” as the file author and the email is sent from “Ken Kamau”.